So…what are we up to with this blog? Easy. We just found out we could give the world a piece of our minds and went for it. We love to read and our mantra is… “Read it, love it and dish it out.” So if you read something that you think is worthy of others to read it as well don’t doubt it and post it…but if you didn’t like it you can “warn” others from reading something that put books to shame…dish it out. That’s our contribution to the world. So get to it and post for us, read lovers!!!!
jueves, 29 de diciembre de 2011
A new writer for us!!
lunes, 23 de mayo de 2011
Unleash the Night
viernes, 20 de mayo de 2011
Dark-Hunter Series
Acheron Parthenopaeus
miércoles, 18 de mayo de 2011
Fallen angels series:
These angels are so manly they don't mind
my writing about them in pink. Jajajaja. Getting back to main point…I finished reading Crave, the second book in the series, Covet is the first one and Envy comes out in September (sigh*)…and so far so good. The writer: J.R. Ward is brilliant; nothing in her writing is left to luck's doing- so when you read something and ask why would she do something like that- stop yourself and evade a sure to happen headache. Instead- just relax, lay back and enjoy the drive and get ready to be taken to a whole new place from where you thought the story would be going….
Oh- hell to the wait- warning- if you blush when you read a curse…then these books are most definitely NOT for you, but if a curse just makes you giggle then hop on and get ready for one hell of a ride. F' ING YEAH.
{"Seven deadly sins. Seven souls to save. This is the first battle between a savior who doesn't believe and a demon with nothing to lose!"
"Redemption isn't a word Jim Heron knows much about-his specialty is revenge, and to him, sin is all relative. But everything changes when he becomes a fallen angel and is charged with saving the souls of seven people from the seven deadly sins. And failure is not an option.
Vin DiPietro long ago sold his soul to his business, and he's good with that-until fate intervenes in the form of a tough-talking, Harley-riding, self-professed savior. And then he meets a woman who will make him question his destiny, his sanity, and his heart-and he has to work with a fallen angel to win her over and redeem his own soul."
You can read an excerpt in amazon.
Check the site:
martes, 26 de abril de 2011
A book not known by many but it's worth a try!

lunes, 25 de abril de 2011
A new series to look for…
The series is called Soul Screamers and the author is Rachel Vincent. I haven't read it but her offer sounds good enough for me to post it here. I plan to start reading it soon enough so I will keep you posted. Here is the main idea of the series:
"She doesn't see dead people, but...
She senses when someone near her is about to die. And when that happens, a force beyond her control compels her to scream bloody murder. Literally.
Kaylee just wants to enjoy having caught the attention of the hottest guy in school. But a normal date is hard to come by when Nash seems to know more about the need to scream than she does. And when classmates start dropping dead for no apparent reason, only Kaylee knows who'll be next..."
The author wrote a book that serves as preview to the series: Reaper; and hey, it is free so no harm done if you don't like it, right?
Here is the site in amazon for the free novella if you want to check it, that is:
And here is the Rachel Vincent's site for you to check it out:
Enjoy…and feeling lady-like this day so no cursing for me today.
Whoop, whoop!!!
After reading some books- that sadly- put the written word to shame- I am happy to announce that Sarah MacLean is about to release her new book: Eleven scandals to start to win a duke's heart. This is the third book in her number-titled book series. The first one being "Nine Rules to Break When Romancing a Rake" and "Ten Ways to Be Adored When Landing a Lord".
And why exactly does this makes me happy? You may wonder and I would tell you this: because Sarah MacLean has become-very rapidly, may I add- one of my favorite romance authors of all times. Her writing is heart shrinking (many unexpected turns in the plot), the way she develops characters is plausible-like (makes you fall in love with the characters so beware) and laugh your ass off, too (their witty comments are rather smart). So if these reasons above mentioned are not good enough to get you started reading one of the Sarah MacLean romance novels, then, your liking is beyond me.
sábado, 16 de abril de 2011
Ultimamente estoy leyendo muchos libros de bomberos, paramedicos, policias y soldados, jajajaja asi que aqui les dejo unas pics pa' que se recreen la pupila. Yo quiero uno de regalo de cumple, navidad, etc...
jueves, 14 de abril de 2011
The fourth book of the mortal instruments series: City of fallen angels

Um, sorry I was gone for so long. But I am sort of back…kinda. In my defense I do have a life besides reading and writing. Well, I was writing but it was for different reasons than reading and writing for mere pleasure. Enough about babbling! Focus, woman. Focus! Okay…I am back and I already read the fourth book of the mortal instruments installment, so here are my thoughts: what a Bitch! That's what! Leave Jace alone, woman (Britney moment- what?-sue me)! She doesn't let that man enjoy himself- not even for a second and that's just wrong and playing mean. If you don't like open endings then this book isn't for you- at all. Beware- the end just leaves you wanting more. Of course Cassandra Clare is brilliant in her writing, I don't deny it, and she gives you enough troubles in the plot to cause you a heart attack and makes you laugh your ass off with the witty characters and their comments (everyone is witty in the series) and then leaves you like that—with an open ending and only God knows when the other book will come out! But yeah- I loved it and hated it and still fighting at some points with her (she might not know we are fighting- but I do and that's enough…for now)—I guess that's what makes her one of my favorite writers of all times…
Wait, I just checked and there is a date for the next book: May 2012 and it's going to be called City of lost souls. I would love to have a strong conversation with that woman…mostly it would involve something among the words of "get to work damn it and write faster- don't stand up until you finish it and my eyes are on you--but I don't know-- there is no real way to know, is it?
Until next time : )
miércoles, 6 de abril de 2011
So far- so good…
I recommend you to give the title one more look. Just for the sake of saving the trouble of a future disclaimer…why? Well, 'cause I haven't finished the book yet so with that being said, here is my review for this book-so far. The author: Evie Byrne, seems like a funny gal – her writing is easy to approach and page turning.
Oh…and did I mention the hot-hottie of Alex- the main male character? Cause if I failed on such a task allow me space for redemption…Alex fallows the successful proposal of what a fictional character should be: dark, tall and handsome…and funny, sarcastic, single-minded, stubborn and well…he's a stalker…a very attentive stalker- but a stalker nonetheless.
"Alexander Faustin is ready to settle down. He travels from NYC to sunny Colorado to find his destined bride. His delicate mission: to explain to her that vamps exist, that he happens to be one himself, and that he'd like her to be one, too. But the moment he lays eyes on Helena MacAllister, talk is the last thing on his mind.
It's not like Helena to make out with a stranger on her front porch, much less invite him into her bed. Somehow Alex makes her feel safe, even while he's dismantling her defenses. But in the wake of an accident, her faith in him is shattered. She learns her dream lover is a monster."
Here is a little bit about the author:
"My given name is Eustacia Victoire Byrne, but everyone who is not my mother calls me E.V. or Evie. I live and work in Los Angeles. When I'm not writing fiction, I write non-fiction under a different name. I hold a BA in art history and an MFA in art making.
Many author biographies claim that the author has been writing stories since she could first wrap her fingers around a crayon. Not me. All my life, if I picked up a crayon or pencil, I drew a picture with it. Now I'm drawing with words and have never been happier."
If you want to learn more about her books you check out her site:
lunes, 4 de abril de 2011
jueves, 31 de marzo de 2011

The Saga Includes: Blue Bloods, the first novel in the series (2007) Masquerade, the second novel in the Blue Bloods series (2008) Revelations, the third novel in the Blue Bloods series (2009) The Van Alen Legacy, the fourth novel in the Blue Bloods series (2009) The Keys To The Repository, a companion book, was released on 29 June 2010. It contains short stories and information on Schuyler, Mimi, Bliss and others. This book does not continue the plot from The Van Alen Legacy. Misguided Angel, the fifth novel in the Blue Bloods series (2010) Bloody Valentine, a Blue Bloods novella, published on December 28, 2010. Bloody Valentine is 3 short love stories of 4 main characters:Oliver Hazard-Perry, Allegra Van Allen, & Schuyler & Jack. Lost in Time, the sixth novel in the Blue Bloods series. is set to be published in October 2011. Wolf Pact, a spin-off of Misguided Angel, set to be published in 2012, with Bliss Llewellyn as its central character. Here's the site
A new Starz Series...

miércoles, 30 de marzo de 2011
House of Night series
House of Night equals guilty pleasure to me…that's as simple as it get. Don't get me wrong the authors are funny and can be ingenious too…but admitting reading the books is not something I feel extremely
comfortable to bring in random conversations with my peers. First of all I do admit to be aware that the public towards these books are directed are stretching to the extreme when it comes down to my age. Yes, I am keenly aware OF THIS. But since it's not something I admit to do…all of this is allegedly…I say hang the age thing! (You see…I am improving my angry-language…I could have use the F word- I know…momma is gonna be proud!)
On that note-getting back to the books, that is- the books are all frilly and sweet…sometimes too sweet but if you are looking for something that keeps you entertain for some considerable time (keep in mind that the series already has 8 books out) this is the series for you. You'll laugh and the characters might steal your heart…so beware!
Here is the site to follow the series:
The titles of the books are as fallow:
Ohhh…hell, I think I forgot to tell you this: the writers are mother and daughter combo. P.C. Cast + Kristin Cast
Here is a teaser from the book Marked. You can go to the site above and check out the first chapter of the book.
"After a Vampire Tracker Marks her with a crescent moon on her forehead, 16-year-old Zoey Redbird enters the House of Night and learns that she is no average fledgling. She has been Marked as special by the vampyre Goddess Nyx and has affinities for all five elements: Air, Fire Water, Earth and Spirit. But she is not the only fledgling at the House of Night with special powers. When she discovers that the leader of the Dark Daughters, the school's most elite club, is mis-using her Goddess-given gifts, Zoey must look deep within herself for the courage to embrace her destiny— with a little help from her new vampyre friends (or Nerd Herd, as Aphrodite calls them)."
lunes, 28 de marzo de 2011
Lauren Kate

Who's Lauren Kate? How the hell am I suppose to know that! Google her for goodness sake, although, I do know this…Lauren Kate is the writer of the Fallen series. And since "books" is what this site is all about…so you do the math. The books are great…only problem being, if you ask me, that is…THAT the woman takes her damn sweet time writing them. Don't get me wrong, the end result is always haunting and charming and the whole cha-bang but…of course there's a but!...she makes you wait a long time to get the next book out. So if you don't mind this at all, Lauren Kate is the next author to read for you.
"Fallen" and "Torment" are already out…the next book in the Fallen series, "Passion" comes out this year: June 14.
This is here site:
You see…I can be nice too…well, sometimes. Now you just have to click above and check out her site.
sábado, 19 de marzo de 2011
H.P. Mallory
The Darkest Surrender/Strider's book
The Darkest Surrender (Lords of the Underworld #8)
Possessed by the demon of Defeat, Strider cannot lose a challenge without suffering unimaginable pain. For him, nothing stands in the way of victory. Until Kaia, an enchanting Harpy, tempts him to the razor’s edge of surrender.
Known among her people as The Disappointment, Kaia must bring home the gold in the Harpy Games or die. Strider is a distraction she can’t afford because he as an agenda of his own – steal first prize, an ancient godly artifact, before the winner can be named. But as the competition heats up, only one prize will matter – the love neither had thought possible…(less)